Cloud Storage Networking vs File Storage Networking

August 16, 2021


Data storage has been a critical component of computing since the dawn of the digital age, and today we have two main storage networking options: cloud storage networking and file storage networking. In this blog post, we will compare these two options and highlight their differences, advantages, and disadvantages.

Cloud Storage Networking

Cloud storage networking is the storage of data in a large distributed architecture that can be accessed via the internet. The data is stored in a virtualized environment that provides a high level of scalability, performance, and accessibility. One of the main advantages of cloud storage networking is the high level of redundancy, which ensures that data is not lost in case of server failure or disaster.

File Storage Networking

File storage networking, also known as network-attached storage (NAS), is the storage of data in a central location that can be accessed by multiple clients over a network. The data is stored on physical devices, such as hard drives, and managed by a file system that organizes the data into files and directories. One of the main advantages of file storage networking is the lower cost of ownership in comparison to cloud storage networking.



Cloud storage networking is highly scalable, as it allows users to increase or decrease the amount of storage they need on-demand. Whereas file storage networking has a fixed maximum storage capacity, and to upgrade users must buy additional physical hardware.


Cloud storage networking provides high performance, as data is stored on high-speed servers and distributed across multiple data centers. Whereas file storage networking performance relies on the network infrastructure connecting the storage devices, and can be slower in comparison to cloud storage networking.


Cloud storage networking has higher accessibility as data can be accessed anytime from anywhere with an internet connection. Whereas file storage networking access is limited to the local network.


File storage networking has lower upfront cost in comparison to cloud storage networking. Cloud storage networking has higher costs for data transfer between regions or out of the cloud, although it saves on physical infrastructure cost.


Both cloud storage networking and file storage networking have their pros and cons regarding scalability, performance, accessibility, and cost. Companies must evaluate their specific requirements and budget to choose the best option for their data storage needs. However, one thing is certain, with data storage needs exponentially increasing year after year, both cloud storage networking and file storage networking solutions will be in high demand.


  1. Mohan, C. (2021, August 6). Cloud vs. On-premises storage: Which one is right for your organization? TechTarget.
  2. Myers, R. (2021, July 16). File Storage vs. Object Storage: What's the Difference? Cloud Academy.

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